Fate Weaver

Roleplay Mode

Looking for answers? Roll up all the nuance and probabilities you need to reinforce your scene with fate charts and roleplay options that assist you in your storytelling!

Home Page


"Tell me the future, oh wise one."

Yes or No

Classic, random fate roller. Pretty much like a coinflip.

Random Fate

Random fate roller skewed to specific scenarios.

Yes/No, and/but

Expanded variation of the classic fate roller.

Special Encounter

Roll a special encounter if you need a strong plot hook.

Event Focus

The point of a random event.

Event Meaning

Use this when you roll "Ambiguous Event" in the Event Focus table.


"Humans are social creatures."


What's the character's role?


What are the character's personality traits?


What are the character's goals?

NPC Attitude

What is the character's attitude?

NPC Generator

Use the built-in NPC generator to create a non-player character.


Settlement Designer

Use the built-in settlement designer to create a town on the fly .